Brett Detar

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Former Juliana Theory band member Brett Detar recently recorded his first solo album 'Bird In The Tangle'. LTTM spoke to the singer to find out about the album and what else he has been doing since Juliana Theory finished.

Tell us a little bit about your solo album Bird In The Tangle, how it came to be and what the inspiration behind it was.

Well, the record came about in a rather natural sort of way. It was not without mis-starts and hiccups in the process of getting rolling but the album came out of an honest journey of self-realization...
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Brett Detar - Bird In The Tangle
Dec 06 2010

Brett Detar - Bird In The Tangle

Former Juliana Theory band member Brett Detar has recorded his first solo album called Bird In The Tangle. Fans of the band Juliana Theory will already know this, but just in case you didn't already know, Julian Theory disbanded…

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