Featured Artist: Love & The Outcome

May 23 2019

Imagine, if you will, selling most of your worldly possessions (including the place you call home) and hitting the road to pursue a musical vision. You’re leaving your native country. You have no idea what’s ahead. You don’t know where you’ll rest for the night. You take stock and realize that all you have - or all you have left - are your songs, your dreams, your spouse, and your trust in God … and these four things make up the rope of hopefulness you cling to, day in and day out.

Proving that truth is stranger and more beautiful than any fiction, the husband-wife duo Love & The Outcome have packed their debut album with songs that speak to the faith journey they’ve braved these past few years. Vocalist Jodi King and her husband, bass player Chris Rademaker, have come a long way since selling their condo in Winnipeg, Manitoba (about 400 miles northwest of Minneapolis) in 2010.

“We want to inspire people to follow Jesus,” Jodi says. “We want these songs to become a lifestyle, and hope that the truth of these songs goes beyond the thrill of the live show to plant a seed in people’s hearts: to go for the things that they might be afraid to go for and join this joyful revolution. That’s the whole point. A life that requires faith is worth living, and a life on the edge is one where you live hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm with God. That’s what we’re living for.”

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