JJ Heller - When I'm With You
When I'm With You
19 Oct 2010 (US), 21 Dec 2010 (UK)
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The story of how I got into JJ Heller is what music is really all about. I was having a hard time, I honestly don't remember why, but I had been talking to a good friend of mine about it and she was trying to comfort me. She was trying to find the words that I needed to hear but simply couldn't. The day after we had been speaking, I logged onto my email and she had sent me JJ's All The Beauty. In that song was everything I needed to hear to pull me out of the funk I...
Read More The story of how I got into JJ Heller is what music is really all about. I was having a hard time, I honestly don't remember why, but I had been talking to a good friend of mine about it and she was trying to comfort me. She was trying to find the words that I needed to hear but simply couldn't. The day after we had been speaking, I logged onto my email and she had sent me JJ's All The Beauty. In that song was everything I needed to hear to pull me out of the funk I was in. That is the power of music.
I've kept an eye on JJ ever since and checked out some of her other music, loving what I heard, but was excited as she started talking about her new album, When I'm With You. The first hint of it came when she revealed the video for first single, What Love Really Means a simple video done really well to create something pretty special.
But onto the music.
The album starts out with my old friend, the acoustic guitar opening into Tell It Again. Simple riffs bring in JJ's vocals and some really nice melodies which carry through into the next two tracks. What Love Really Means brings JJ back to what I have come to know her for, great narrative lyrics sung with passion in a beautiful melody.
The album slows down somewhat after our upbeat three openers but the passion flows abundantly throughout the rest of the tracks. JJ's voice portrays the emotions of each song perfectly and the vocal harmonies, with husband Dave, really set each track up perfectly.
There are moments of worship, moments of wonder at God's greatness and moments of pure human love and it all fits together perfectly. Within each track there is also a little hint of musical magic that hits you with surprise. No Fight Left needs to get a mention purely for the great musical arrangement towards it’s ending. Trust me.
This is a really great album from a very talented lady.
Review by Suzanne Physick
LTTM Rating 4 out of 5 Stars
Stand Out Tracks
Tell It Again
What Love Really Means
No Fight Left Articles
Christian singer/songwriter JJ Heller has released her latest album 'When I'm With You'. The 10 track album was produced by Grammy-winning engineer/producer Mitch Dane and features JJ's husband Dave on backing vocals and guitar.…