Ruth A Harris Releases 'Don't Be an Island' EP

Jun 07 2023

Ruth A Harris, a singer, songwriter and self producer who lives in Birmingham, UK, has released an EP titled "Don't Be An Island". Through it, she continues to put her finger upon the realities of life and in particular, mental health and the need for community.

"I've been thinking a lot recently about mental health, and how we all go through times where we are not too mentally healthy-it's a part of life, along with physical ill-health. I also noticed that when I am feeling low, or anxious or worried, how insolated I can become, and how easy it is to push others away - instead of what I actually need to do - to reach out", she explains.

"I wanted to write to myself- or anyone else who needs it, to remind us that we all need community, connection, and sometimes even though we might feel useless, that we might actually be the person that can be the difference to someone else."

Ruth has been on a unexpected journey of exploring her skills as a musician, songwriter and producer having returned to all things music around 5years ago after a long period of time away. She will beforever grateful that she joined her community choir,which helped reignite her passion and love for creating and performing music. Ruth aims to write and produce music that is real, rooted in the dirt and grit of everyday life, that feels authentic. Often described by others as Ethereal, haunting, calming & healing, she hopes that her songs will bring a chink of light into the places that are otherwise dark.

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