Interview: Chloe Reynolds

Nov 18 2013

Singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Chloe Reynolds is a regular performer at festivals, pubs, music cafes and theatres. Earlier this year she released her 'Unresolved' EP, and in this interview with LTTM she describes how she pours her life into the songs she writes.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?

I'm a Surrey based singer songwriter with a passion for writing songs that really hit home. Real music that's not afraid to challenge people. I've loved singing since I was very little but only started writing songs in my late teens.

Tell us a little bit about your EP 'Unresolved' and what the inspiration behind it was?

Unresolved is a collection of 6 of my favourite songs, written over the last 10 years. I chose the title because of the vast range of topics covered in these 6 songs. Although very different, they all have one thing in common: the element of the unfinished. Whether an injustice that has not yet been put to rights, or a "someday daughter" that has not yet been born, all these songs look to the future to resolve the heart behind the lyrics.

Which is your favourite track on the EP and why?

My favourite track is "Open Window". It is a song that came straight from my heart. I wrote it in one afternoon as I sat at the piano crying out to God about my regrets. Music for me is a way of processing life's events and turning them into something beautiful, and I think this song shows this much clearer than my words can explain.

What's your song writing process?

My song writing process is to write from the heart. I am not a songwriting machine that can pick any old topic and just write. If music is going to touch other people's hearts then it has to have touched mine first. The process of actually writing the song is different every time. Sometimes a lyric will come to me, and other times I'll sit at the piano and just jam until I find a new chord progression that I like. But as long as the initial idea has come from a place of inspiration, passion and truth, then the rest is easyl

If you could work with any song writer, who would it be and why?

Emeli Sande has written some wonderful songs that speak of assurance in what she believes in. She writes beautiful lyrics and sings with such passion. It would be an honour to co-write with her. She's not afraid to really go for it, vocally, and I'd love to learn from her.

How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?

My music has been described as "Alicia Keys meets Joni Mitchell." Well, I'm happy with that! It's very difficult to describe a lady who plays the piano without everyone thinking of one that already exists! My influences don't come from other musicians, but from honesty, truth, beauty and integrity.

How would you define success in your career as a singer?

My passion is to sing. If I can do this then I am a success. But in terms of what society views as success, I guess I'm a little different. Sure, I'd love to have an amazing career as a musician and get my music heard by thousands, but I'm open to what God wants. If He wants me to have a huge career, then great! I'm ready for it, but if not, then I need to be open to that too. He knows what is best for me. He gave me this singing voice, afterall! As long as I'm using it then I am successful.

In your opinion, what makes the perfect song?

I don't think there is any one ingredient that makes a perfect song, it just has to capture my heart and make me want to listen to it again and again and again.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your mp3 player. What track is it?

A song from South Africa called "Moving with the Lamb" It reminds me just how safe I am in God's love, and that He is always going to be walking with me, holding my hand. It is the song I listen to when I need comfort, and a reminder that He is always there.

What does the next year hold for Chloe Reynolds?

Lots of music I hope! I am booking house concerts, tour dates, and who knows...I might even record some new songs. The sky is the limit!

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